Giving is a matter of the heart, not riches.
(Kenyan proverb)
Our donors sow, we water Our main donors
We greatly appreciate those who believe in us and support our projects in Kenya and the Czech Republic. We use all the money and gifts we receive effectively. We try to do everything transparently and inform our donors about what we are working on.
Right now you can donate to the
CONTRIBUTE to the purchase of land for our very own training farm!
BUY a hoe, some seeds or other basic equipment for school training farms. We are also building orchards on the school grounds. You can buy a fruit tree.
BECOME A REGULAR DONOR! It’s the best way to support us.
GIVE ONE CHILD A CHANCE for a better future! Buy them a goat or support them in their studies in the long-run.
IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF THEIR SCHOOLS. They need textbooks, equipment and laptops, but also toilets, water, etc.
You can send your donations to our account: IBAN CZ52 2700 0000 0021 0733 3074. Please write the purpose of your donation in the message for the recipient and also give us your email address, so that we can contact you. Thank you!
You can decide what your donation will go towards or you can leave it to us. We are open to any original ideas you may have and will be happy to talk to you about how your support can be used.
● At least 90% of the money you entrust us with will be used towards a purpose of your choice.
● We will inform you of what your money was specifically used for.
● A donation agreement and confirmation document for tax deductions is a matter of course.
● We can issue a donation certificate.
● If you are interested in sponsorship, we can give you publicity.